Vendors and public begin naming the murals... nicknames that stood out for me were Landing Pads a general term for the group and The Pyramid for 2/8. One vendor who using a scooter ( a fancy shiny burgundy vehicle) enjoys parking in the centre of one of the squares... that's warn off now, but adults and children alike have enjoyed engaging with the murals in various imaginative ways.

Yoga goes on even after the boutique is closed... and more! Salsa anyone?

This is one cool enterprise. Owner and employees paint blue ground for Chakra doorway murals for me to work on. Beautiful job everyone. Phase one is to paint the seven main chakras symbolically and elude to the others. Done in in the form of a grey, white and blue graphic. Colour to be added in spring time if we feel we need it. Phase two is the addition of images on the other side of the doorway. It's all weather permitting. The stucco is a new experience!

Engagement with public on the street has been very rewarding and supportive! Positive and thought provoking as with the Confederation Architectural Tile series of murals.

Yoga goes on even after the boutique is closed... and more! Salsa anyone?
Mural Projects
L to R; Architectural Tile Series installed on the 2nd floor of the Confederation Building in London, Ontario, Architectural Tiles installed in the FIre Roasted Coffee Company and the Chakra Doorway of The Organic Oscars. The latter was to have colour added by the business owner
creative JAMIE HUME