CV cont.
2005-6 Art Instructor grades one through eight. The Third Academy International Lethbridge Campus. Designed, implemented and taught programs for grades one through nine in accord with Alberta curriculum guidelines, Lethbridge
2005 Art Instructor and Instructional Assistant grades five through nine. Working with certified teachers as a resource person to implement and enhance existing existing programs, The Third Academy International Lethbridge Campus, Lethbridge 2004 Art Instructor, Designed and implemented an introductory course in Water Media for Seniors, The Lethbridge Seniors Centre, Lethbridge
1985-6 Art Instructor, designed and implemented classes in drawing with Water Media exploring with traditional drawing materials and found objects, Three Spheres Studio (Artists shared space; Theo Dragoneiri, Esther Gallo and Jamie Hume), Toronto 1985 Ceramics Instructor, Summer Arts Program For Children, Seneca College Newnham Campus, Toronto 1984 Mixed Media Specialist, Harbourfront Summer Arts Camp Harbourfront, Toronto
1977 Teachers Assistant, Summer Studio 77, Toronto
2012 Sun Bird #2, S. Eberhardt
Architectural Tiles series of Murals 8/8, The Confederation Building, 2nd floor
900 King Street, London, Ontario.
Pictorial Evolution, 14/14 Architectural Tile series, Fire Roasted Coffee Company.
Chakra Doorway, The Organic Oscars, 236 Dundas Street, London
University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta BFA/Art, 2004Lethbridge Community College, Lethbridge, Alberta, General Studies Certificate, 1998Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto,Ontario Undergraduate Studies, 1985-1986York University, Toronto, Ontario, Undergraduate Studies. 1979COLLECTIONSWorks in private collections in Canada, England, Israel and the United States STUDIO2nd floor, Western Fair Farmers’ & Artisans’ Market and the artists private residence in London, Ontario.
creative JAMIE HUME