Selected list of artists' exhibition experience and other projects. The early years included the following venues: Den-art (Ottawa), The Bookshelf Cafe (Guelph) and the Grange Gallery (Toronto).
2010 Dream Bed Construction Project, Art At Work, a venue within the L.O.O.K. It’s a party! Waste Free Ecofest and Unity Round Table, Queens Park
2007 Exploring Femininity; memories lost and found, le petit trianon gallery Lethbridge, Alberta. 1988 An Exhibition, the artists 1988 residence, Toronto, Ontario.
1983 A Variety of Works, The David Jean Gallery
1982 Jamie Hume, The Del Bello Gallery
1978 Works By Jamie Hume, The Devo Gallery, Calgary, Alberta.
1978 Drawings By Jamie Hume, Winters College Gallery,York University, Toronto
2004 Paintings From The Eighties; Tasha Diamont and Jamie Hume, le petit trianon, Lethbridge
2012 Dream Bed Construction Project / Art At Work, L.O.O.K. It’s a party! Waste Free Ecofest and Unity Round Table, Queens Park, London, Ontario
2011 Dream Bed Construction Project, ART AT WORK, L.O.O.K. It's a party!, Queens Park, London
2006 Dream Boat Contemporary Art Project, le petit trianon gallery, sponsored by Savill Group Architecture and the Third Academy International Lethbridge Campus, Lethbridge
2006 Summer Group Show, The Trianon Gallery, Lethbridge
2005 Miniatures ; The Small and The Short of It, The Potemkin Institute For Desperate Learning, sponsored by the Tongue and Groove, Lethbridge
2004 Art By Three Middle Age White Women With Kids, The Trianon Gallery sponsored by Savill Group Architecture, Lethbridge
2000 Diversity. The Wing Lit Gallery, Lethbridge
1999 Circle of Friends, Exhibition, Music and Readings Addressing Racism inAlberta, The Wing Lit Gallery, Lethbridge
1988 Artists In The Community, The Meseric Cowan Community Centre, Toronto
1983 Hume Three; Paintings and Drawings by Jean Watt Hume, Robert Hume and Jamie Hume, The Gallery At Fairways, Mississauga, Ontario
1981 The Canadian Israeli Exhibition, Les Terrasse De La Chaudiers, sponsored by the CICF and the Sussex Gallery, Hull, Quebec.
2004 OWNERSHIP, installation, The F Word, ( ) ette Collective Open Juried Exhibition, sponsored by the Tongue And Groove, Lethbridge.
1987 Bah Relief Water ColoursThe Second Annual Exhibition of Miniature Art, the Del Bello GalleryToronto
1986 Colour Palace, OSA Image 86; The Ontario Society of Artists 113th Annual Juried Exhibition, The John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto.
2012 Sun Bird #2, S. Eberhardt
Architectural Tiles series of Murals 8/8, The Confederation Building, 2nd floor
900 King Street, London, Ontario.
Pictorial Evolution, 14/14 Architectural Tile series, Fire Roasted Coffee Company.
Chakra Wall, The Organic Oscars, 236 Dundas Street, London
2014 3D Studio Spring Sale, Casa, Lethbridge, Alberta. Graphic Design, marketing, organizing.
L.O.O.K. Online Organizer for 5th Annual L.O.O.K.fest London. Currently engaged in; building a L.O.O.K. Organizing Committee branch in Alberta, redesigning the official L.O.O.K. website and acting as a consultant for the
2015 London L.O.O.K.fest.
2013 Organizer for the 4th Annual L.O.O.K. It’s a party! Waste Free Ecofest
and Unity Round Table, Queens Park, London, Ontario. Arranging and facilitating; event marketing, promotions, building solidarity with and co-mentoring a new ecofest Mantis, L.O.O.K. Organizing Committee meetings, did graphic design for promotions including events main poster.
2012 Organizer/participant, 3rd Annual L.O.O.K. It’s a party! Waste Free Ecofest
and Unity Round Table, Curator of ART AT WORK and Serenade of the Trees
L.O.O.K. arts collective founded, Jessica Conlon and Jamie Hume.
2011 Co-founder of arts driven eco-fest L.O.O.K. It’s a party! Waste Free Ecofest Creator of the venues: the URT/Unity Round Table One Hour Challenge
ART AT WORK and Serenade of the Trees.
Facilitator URT Earth Table challenge.
2010 Organizer for 2nd Annual L.O.O.K. It’s a party! Waste Free Ecofest and Unity Round Table, Queens Park, Curator of ART AT WORK
and Serenade of the Trees, Facilitator URT, London, Ontario.
2009 Concept development for L.O.O.K./Locally Organized Organic Knowledge
and the L.O.O.K. Organizing Committee
2006 Dream Boat Contemporary Art Project, Le Petit Trianon gallery, Lethbridge.
Acorns, Students of the Third Academy Internationals Lethbridge Campus,
Lethbridge City Hall, Lethbridge.
2005 Student Art Retrospective, Third Academy Internationals' Lethbridge.
1999 Wing Lit Art Gallery, display design and installattion The Wing Lit Gallery, Lethbridge.
1989 Eight Women Artists; an exhibition in honor of the National Symposium on
Aboriginal Women of Canada Past, Present and Future, University of Lethbridge Art Gallery, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge.
The Bridge Exhibition, Eaton's Building scheduled for demolition, Lethbridge
Research Curator, University of Lethbridge Art Gallery University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge
2014 Instructor, Ceramics, Casa, Lethbridge, Alberta
2012-13 Artist Educator, Jamie Humes' studio classes and workshops for adults, youth and children. 2011 Artist Educator, Jamie Humes’ Studio, Western Fair Farmers’ & Artisans’ Market, London,Ontario. Cultivating an art practice based upon the artists holistic learning approach to; the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual intelligences. Art For Well Being; art for the purpose of contemplation and ease. Creativity Matters!
2011 Art Facilitator, Participation House, London, Ontario. An adult drop in program for people with disabilities.
2010 Art Facilitator, S.O.C.S./ Saturdays Openly Creative Studio for young people.
2009 Art Instructor, Courses accepted, Continuing Education, Fanshawe College, London, Ontario (course cancellation due to low enrolment)
2006-7 Art Instructor grades one through eleven. Designed, implemented and art taught program for grades one through eleven in accord with Alberta curriculum guidelines. The Third Academy International Lethbridge Campus, Lethbridge
creative JAMIE HUME